Clinical trials in the treatment of questions to ask your doctor
Clinical trials in the treatment of questions to ask your doctor
If you are thinking about taking part in a clinical trial, you have to join a clinical trial that is sure to ask your doctor, "can there?" If your doctor, you can offer a trial want to ask you some questions here.
Questions about the test
Questions about your rights
Questions about costs
He questions about life
Choice questions about Comparison
If you are thinking about taking part in a clinical trial, you have to join a clinical trial that is sure to ask your doctor, "can there?" If your doctor, you can offer a trial want to ask you some questions here.
Questions about the test
- What is the purpose of the trial?
- Why do researchers believe the study is being done now may be better than one? This may be why not better?
- How long will the trial?
- What tests and treatments are involved?
- How will I know if the doctor's treatment is working?
- How will I be told about the trial results?
- When to make up my mind about joining this trial?
- Who can I talk to about the question after hearing of the trial?
- will be in charge of my care?
- If anyone can speak to is the trial?
- What are the possible side effects or risks of the new treatment?
- What are the potential benefits?
- How to potential risks and benefits of this trial compare well to those of the standard treatment?
Questions about your rights
- How will my health information be kept private?
- What happens if I decide to leave the trial?
Questions about costs
- I will have to pay for any treatment or test?
- costs will cover the cost of my health insurance?
- Who pays if I'm injured in the trial?
- Who can help answer any questions from my insurance company?
He questions about life
- How can the trial affect my daily life?
- How often will have to come to the hospital or clinic?
- I will have to stay in hospital during the clinical trial? If so, how often and for how long?
- I will have to travel long distances?
- I will get a check after hearing your case?
Choice questions about Comparison
- What are my other treatment options, including the standard treatment?
- How will receive treatment in this trial that compared with the other treatment options?
- What will happen to my cancer without treatment?
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